11:30 a.m. Lunch and Registration
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Program
Dr. Craig Wilson, Professor of Epidemiology, Pediatrics and Microbiology and Director of the UAB Sparkman Center for Global Health, will lead a discussion about Ebola, its genesis and its transmission. Dr. Wilson has worked in the field of virus transmission his entire career and spent time in southern Africa studying virus spread and treatment, predominantly that of HIV. We will also discuss pandemic viruses and their effect on the workplace. Are you prepared for questions like: Can you require an employee to take a 21-day leave if you fear they may have been exposed to Ebola? What is your liability when employees travel for work to an area that has been affected by Ebola or other contagious diseases? How should you communicate with staff about a coworker’s potential exposure to a disease like Ebola? Come and join us.
Continuing Education Credit:
This program has been submitted to the HR Certification Institute for review.
Program, lunch and parking are complimentary. Space is limited for this event.