June's landmark Supreme Court ruling brought with it a new wave of LGBTQ discrimination law, but left in its wake some undecided issues.
Join us for an interactive webinar discussion of what is and what is not clear from the Court's ruling. Topics to be covered include practical guidance for:
- Updating handbook policies, training, and personnel documentation to incorporate LGBTQ discrimination protections
- Evaluating adverse employment decisions for the risk of an LGBTQ discrimination claim
- Investigating and resolving internal LGBTQ discrimination complaints
- Balancing religious freedoms with LGBTQ rights
*This program connects audio through the WebEx platform. Please be sure to login through WebEx and have WebEx call you, as this will help identify who is speaking during the call.
Continuing Education Credit:
This program is pending CLE credit approval in the state of Tennessee. It has been submitted to the HR Certification Institute and SHRM for review.