8:00 a.m. Breakfast and Registration
8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Program
Managing employee leave is one of the most difficult and time consuming tasks a manager or human resources professional must face. Issues such as leave as a reasonable accommodation and the effect of no fault attendance policies continue to create problems for employers. Many employers are having a hard time getting their arms around how much leave an employee, who is disabled under the ADAAA, is entitled to when the employee's FMLA leave expires. How long can the employee stay out under ADAAA leave? Can an employer deny the leave? What is "undue hardship?" What are the best practices in dealing with an employee who requests this type of leave? Can an employer replace the employee? In this session, we will build upon previous programs on the FMLA, the ADAAA and other leave issues, and provide practical ways for employers to document employee leave, manage problem employees and ensure compliance in this difficult area of the law.
Continuing Education Credit:
This program has been submitted to the HR Certification Institute for review.
Program, breakfast and parking are complimentary. Space is limited for this event.