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Senator Baker Tribute

On June 26, the Baker Donelson family said goodbye to former Tennessee senator, presidential advisor and ambassador Howard H. Baker Jr., senior counsel to the Firm.

Baker Donelson alum, Jim Duff, President and CEO of the Freedom Forum, shares his thoughts on Senator Baker's life and legacy.

For all of Senator Baker's wonderful accomplishments – in law, in politics, in diplomacy – on global, national and regional stages, and given the degree of success he had in each, his greatest accomplishment may have been remaining connected to his roots. No amount of global notoriety or success could uproot him from his hometown of Huntsville, Tennessee. And none could separate him from his lifelong friends and colleagues there.  His loyalty not only served his local community and church in Huntsville well, but it also invigorated, informed and grounded him in all he did for our country and for our law firm. He was homespun yet had a world-class intellect. He drew upon his experiences and his relationships throughout his life. He had an extraordinary skill for telling a homegrown story that fit any occasion, no matter how serious or complicated the topic or sophisticated the audience.  He was a joy and inspiration to be around. He was admired and respected by people of all walks and affiliations. We were very fortunate to have him as a leader of the firm and we benefited greatly from his wisdom.

 -Jim Duff
Baker Donelson alum, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Freedom Forum

Read more about Senator Howard Baker.

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