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Are Residents Creating a Hostile Work Environment for Your Facility?

November 13, 2019
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Central

November 13, 2019
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Central

Recent case law has proven residents can put your company at risk of employee claims for creating a hostile work environment. What should you do to protect your workers, while not running afoul of the resident's rights?

We will discuss this topic, as well as how to handle vendors or other third parties that may create a hostile work environment for your employees.

Join us to learn the steps you can take to create a safe work environment and protect your employees and your residents.

Continuing Education Credit:
This program is being submitted for 1.0 CLE general credit in Tennessee and Texas.

Events Contact

Heather Stripling
T: 205.250.8332
  Email Professional


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