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eDiscovery, Document Review and Investigation Services

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Baker Donelson's dedicated eDiscovery team has been in place for more than 15 years. Our commitment to improving client value gave rise to Baker Donelson's LeanDiscovery™ method, which uses a rapid feedback loop to integrate the review team with the trial team.

Why Baker Donelson?

LeanDiscovery™ Method: Lower Cost + Better Litigation Outcomes
Right Cost: Experience Leveraging Alternative Staffing Options

Practice Overview

Story matters.

A defensible production is a mandatory minimum for eDiscovery. It is required for compliance, but it should not be the primary objective of eDiscovery services; it should be a given. Baker Donelson's primary objective is to find ways to maximize the value provided to clients through the delivery of all legal services, and eDiscovery is no exception. Compliance is necessary and should be achieved at the lowest defensible cost. Client value, on the other hand, is achieved by delivering the key facts clearly and rapidly to the trial team, enabling better outcomes. This dedication to achieving client value beyond mere compliance gave rise to Baker Donelson's innovative LeanDiscovery™ method.

At Baker Donelson, the primary goal of eDiscovery is to enable the discovery of the case story. The delivery of the key facts to the trial teams is faster and more clearly provides strategic insight, enabling more effective advocacy.

In eDiscovery, the review team searches a large number of documents to find, verify and support the key facts. Every document the review team touches is an opportunity to increase the legal team's understanding of the case. Baker Donelson's LeanDiscovery™ methodology uses a rapid feedback loop to tightly integrate the review team with the trial team. As discovery progresses, key documents are identified, organized and delivered to the trial team to clearly communicate the case story.

Baker Donelson's LeanDiscovery™ method is designed to ensure that every eDiscovery dollar creates concrete value for our clients. However, reducing eDiscovery costs remains a major focus for our clients on every matter. Unnecessary costs are avoided initially through our eDiscovery legal expertise, which enables us to establish tight, defensible boundaries on eDiscovery scope. Our experts in corporate IT, filtering analysis and advanced review ensure the execution of an efficient eDiscovery plan, directed by an experienced eDiscovery project manager.

The foundation of our LeanDiscovery™ method is a managed, repeatable process based on proven lean manufacturing techniques and operational metrics. Such disciplines emphasize a clear definition of client deliverables and the on-going elimination of the waste that otherwise results in unnecessary cost.

Baker Donelson's LeanDiscovery™ method services support the full range of eDiscovery readiness, planning, and execution needs for major litigation and investigations. Contact us to discuss how our LeanDiscovery™ method services can deliver the case story at a lower, more predictable cost.

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