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I-9 Best Practices for Employers in the Health Care Industry

L&E Health Care Webinar
July 12, 2018
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Central

July 12, 2018
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Central

Employers are four to five times more likely to be targeted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement as part of an I-9 audit in 2018 than ever before. Considering the uptick in onsite investigations this year, employers and HR professionals involved in the hiring process should always be prepared for an audit.

More importantly, certain legal requirements may apply specifically to employers in the health care industry of which you may not even be aware. Our webinar provides you with practical training and guidance on what every employer must do to meet the federal government's complex and often confusing requirements for employment verification and help you avoid penalties and citations for unknowingly engaging in improper I-9 policies and practices.

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