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Intellectual Property and Technology Litigation

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Significant litigation experience in the core intellectual property areas of patent, trademark, copyright and trade secrets forms the foundation of Baker Donelson's Intellectual Property Litigation Practice.

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AI and Intellectual Property December 14, 2023

Why Baker Donelson?

Arranged filing of patent applications in more than 145 countries around the world
Handled IP litigation cases in 30 states
Coordinated the acquisition, maintenance and enforcement of trademarks in more than 170 countries across the world

Featured Experience

Represented a large bulk bag liner manufacturer in several patent infringement litigations, resulting in a dismissal of the lawsuit by the court.

Successfully defended a trade secret case in the Southern District of Florida involving Bluetooth® technology using a novel argument based on the intersection of Florida statutory law regarding restrictive covenants and Florida trade secret law.

Successfully resolved a complex software copyright infringement claim spanning more than ten years of alleged infringement in multiple countries.

Practice Overview

Significant litigation experience in the core intellectual property areas of patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secrets forms the foundation of Baker Donelson's Intellectual Property Litigation Practice. Our attorneys also have broad experience in other key areas of intellectual property litigation, such as proceedings before the United States Patent and Trademark Office, including trademark opposition and cancellation proceedings, and patent post-grant review and interference proceedings; false advertising cases; domain name disputes; unfair competition cases; and a variety of technology contractual disputes.

We have a reputation for taking a practical, common-sense business approach to client concerns, but we also make an effort to "think outside the box" to find sophisticated solutions to a wide range of intellectual property issues of all sizes. We have provided guidance to and represented clients in cases in courts throughout the United States, obtaining expedited injunctions or trying cases to verdict in a variety of jurisdictions when necessary. Our attorneys routinely represent clients in courts from the patent-heavy docket in the Eastern District of Texas, to technology cases in the Northern District of California, to numerous pharmaceutical cases in the Southern District of New York.

Baker Donelson is on the forefront of technology for managing these matters, using BakerManage®, our proprietary budget management system which provides predictability in cost and allows our clients to determine in near real-time their actual legal spend compared to the budget.

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