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Managing and Motivating Different Generations in the Workplace

Breakfast Briefing
February 21, 2019
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Central


Baker Donelson
211 Commerce Street
First Floor Special Events Center
Nashville, Tennessee


February 21, 2019
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Central

The differences between Boomers, Gen-Xers, Millennials, and the latest – Generation Z – can create conflicts in the workplace that negatively impact employee engagement, productivity, and turnover. If not resolved, these conflicts can escalate until your entire business begins to suffer.

How do you manage these conflicts to reduce legal risks, increase productivity, and provide a motivating work environment for everyone? In our next breakfast briefing we tackle this critical question and explore in detail your next workforce: Generation Z!

Continuing Education Credit:
This program is pending CLE credit approval in the state of Tennessee. It has been submitted to the HR Certification Institute and SHRM for review.

Space is limited for this event. Program and breakfast are complimentary.

RSVP to attend by Monday, February 18.

Events Contact

Alli Hicks
T: 615.726.5649
  Email Professional

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