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Nancy M. Eriksen*


Nancy Eriksen is a litigator and appellate advocate.

Professional Biography

Nancy is an associate in the Firm's Chattanooga office and a member of the Advocacy Department.

She serves clients in a variety of industries, including telecommunications and transportation, and represents Class I railroads as a member of the Firm's 4R Act team. Nancy also has experience with state and federal false claims act litigation, and she practices pro bono before the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.

Prior to joining Baker Donelson, Nancy worked as a term law clerk for the Honorable William F. Jung, U.S. District Judge in the Middle District of Florida.

Before and during law school, Nancy served as an intelligence officer in the United States Air Force and United States Air Force Reserve. After living all over the country as an Air Force officer and military spouse, she enjoys practicing law and raising her family in her hometown of Chattanooga, Tennessee.

  • Obtained a complete defense verdict on behalf of legacy telecommunications companies, rejecting all claims (with potential for nine-figure exposures) asserted in a qui tam case brought under New Mexico’s Fraud Against Taxpayer's Act following a two-week state court jury trial in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

  • Member – Federal Bar Association
  • Member – Women's White Collar Defense Association
  • Recipient – Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Outstanding Law Student Award, Women's White Collar Defense Association
  • Recipient – Walter Mann Award, Stetson University College of Law


  • Stetson University College of Law, J.D., 2023, summa cum laude
    • Articles & Symposia Editor – Stetson Law Review
    • Moot Court Board
  • Tufts University, B.A., 2009, cum laude


  • Tennessee, pending
  • Florida, 2023
  • U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida
  • U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims



Baker Donelson professional admitted to the practice of law in Florida; Tennessee bar application pending.

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