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The Importance of Controlled and Affiliated Service Group Determinations to Benefits Compliance

April 22, 2025
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Central

April 22, 2025
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Central

Numerous laws governing benefit plans apply on an "employer" basis. Determining who the employer is will be key to complying with these rules. In this webinar, Baker Donelson benefits attorneys will discuss what laws apply to companies on a "controlled group" and/or "affiliated service group" basis. We will address how these groups are determined and the importance of reviewing business ownership to ensure there are no unidentified controlled groups or affiliated service groups.

Continuing Education Credit:

This program is pending approval for HRCI and SHRM credit and has been submitted for CLE credit in Tennessee. In order to receive credit, participants must attend the program live. Credit cannot be awarded to viewers of the recorded program.

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