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Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer: Mid-Year Employment Law Update

Virtual Breakfast Briefing
July 15, 2021
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Central

July 15, 2021
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Central

If you think this summer is a lazy one for employment law changes, think again. Hazy and crazy is more like it with new guidance from federal agencies, new state laws, and the latest court cases that continue to expand existing employment laws.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get a mid-year update to make sure your organization is in compliance. Topics include the following and much more:

  • New Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia marijuana laws
  • New Tennessee restroom signage law
  • New CROWN Act laws in multiple states, cities, and counties
  • New OSHA COVID-19 guidance
  • New case law on sex stereotyping
  • New Supreme Court decisions

Continuing Education Credit:
This program is pending CLE credit approval in the state of Tennessee. It has been submitted to the HR Certification Institute and SHRM for review.

Events Contact

Alli Hicks
T: 615.726.5649
  Email Professional

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