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Employee Handbooks 2020: Trends, Tools, and Legal Rules


Is your employee handbook in need of a simple update or a major overhaul? Has anyone outside HR ever read your employee handbook? Is it full of legalese and four-page policies that are, well, boring? Let’s shake the dust off the handbook relics of yesteryear and drive employee engagement by using current trends, tools, and legal rules to revamp your 2020 employee handbook.

Make sure you have your organization's handbook at your side for an instant self-audit of these topics and more.

  • See the latest handbook trends from Netflix and other cutting edge companies.
  • Make it social – using apps, blogs, links, videos, and other electronic communications to drive employee engagement.
  • Is that legalese in your handbook a shield or sword?
  • Drilling down on the "must have" policies to defend your organization in litigation.
  • What does the Supreme Court’s recent LGBTQ employment discrimination ruling mean for gender specific policies like dress codes?
  • Writing policies that give employees firm guidance and managers flexibility to supervise an ever-changing workplace.
  • Training supervisors to actually use the handbook in every aspect of day-to-day management.

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