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U.S. State Data Protection Laws

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Baker Donelson's Data Protection, Privacy and Cybersecurity attorneys have extensive experience helping our clients comply with data privacy and security laws in the U.S.

Practice Overview

The evolving landscape of state privacy and security laws has far-reaching consequences for businesses across the country. Although many state law requirements are similar, each state has adopted unique requirements. As a result, businesses must continue to review their data-related activities and develop a holistic strategy to address both legal risk and operational concerns.

Baker Donelson's Data Protection, Privacy, and Cybersecurity attorneys have extensive experience helping our clients comply with data privacy and security laws across the United States. Our team members work with clients to develop practical compliance strategies and understand how these laws impact their business, ensuring they stay updated with privacy laws and the latest regulatory changes and requirements in all states.

Our team of privacy attorneys works with clients across industries to assist in:

  • Strategic planning with respect to data inventory and mapping
  • Compliance readiness assessments, including privacy and data security gap assessments
  • Preparation of privacy notices
  • Compliance program development, implementation and training
  • Risk management, including vendor diligence and contracting
  • Identifying, engaging, and managing IT consultants and solutions

We advise clients in all industry sectors, including:

  • Advertising, marketing, and digital media
  • Financial services/wealth management
  • Health care
  • Hospitality
  • Human resource services including employee benefit providers
  • Manufacturing, including automotive
  • Professional services organizations
  • Real estate
  • Retail and eCommerce
  • Software and Software-as-a-Service providers
  • Assisted national eCommerce and brick-and-mortar retailers in developing strategic plans with respect to data inventory and mapping activities.

  • Worked with international data and analytics company and national laboratory company to determine applicability of state privacy requirements based upon their operations.

  • Prepared revised privacy notices for retailers, distributors, and software companies.

  • Assisted online retailers with strategies regarding targeted advertising and cross-context behavioral advertising.

  • Counseled national commercial financing company with respect to data privacy preparedness planning.

  • Worked with health care vendors to address the interplay of individual rights afforded under state privacy laws and those provided under HIPAA.

  • Worked with national automobile company to develop strategic plans for state privacy laws and vendor contracting.

  • Counseled national investment management company on state privacy law applicability to multiple business operations.

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